The start of my journey

As a new appointed Elearning leader I naively stepped into this role. Exciting and both challenging at the same time given the pace of change we are experiencing in the world today with technology.

Being a life long learner I was excited by the challenge of stepping into new territory, learn more and bring others on board. I was fortunate to have the support of some very wise people who kept an eye on the pace of change I brought into the school.

So where do we start really? If the support of your leadership team is not there than this role becomes very hard. Having the support of our awesome Principal Mr. Murray Burton helped put things into action.

As a team we put together an inquiry approach for staff to reflect on whilst at the same time make changes to their practice. The inquiry model incorporated using new technologies to embrace a blended learning environment in the classroom to deliver curriculum. The inquiry approach was meant to address the needs of priority learners in the hope to have a change in student achievement.

Having been into this for 2 terms with early Wednesday morning PL sessions there has been some shift. Yes, the resistance is still there to change however a common understanding is being embraced that with the pace of change, the way education is delivered to students also needs to change.

This is a very brief post for now…more to come.